NCWIT has compiled a list of books written by Conversations for Change presenters. Move these select picks to the top of your reading queue, and note your insights and takeaways for forthcoming discussions throughout May.
The following titles are available, wherever books are sold:
- “Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism,” by Temple Grandin // In this unprecedented book, Grandin delivers a report from the country of autism. Writing from the dual perspectives of a scientist and an autistic person, she tells us how that country is experienced by its inhabitants and how she managed to breach its boundaries to function in the outside world.
- “There There,” by Tommy Orange // This wondrous and shattering novel follows twelve characters from Native communities: all traveling to the Big Oakland Powwow, all connected to one another in ways they may not yet realize.
- “Respectful Conversations: Strategies for Turning Confrontation into Collaboration,” by Paul Marciano // This upcoming book helps individuals restore relationships that have deteriorated due to interpersonal conflict and, especially, in cases where individuals feel disrespected. These same strategies also help to prevent conflict going forward and promote respectful communication in both personal and professional relationships.
- “Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code,” by Ruha Benjamin // From everyday apps to complex algorithms, Ruha Benjamin cuts through tech-industry hype to understand how emerging technologies can reinforce White supremacy and deepen social inequity.
- 14 Computing-related Activities to Do From Home //
As COVID-19 has led schools across the country to transition to at-home learning, educators, parents, and caregivers are on the lookout for accessible activities to keep kids’ minds active and engaged. Luckily, there are many ways to translate computing education from the classroom to the home setting. NCWIT has compiled a sampling of ways that adults — regardless of skill level — can help K-12 students continue to explore pathways to tech careers and grow computational skills. These ideas aren’t just for kids, though. Parents and educators who want to learn something new can also get in on the action!
- Building More Inclusive Cultures At Work While We’re At Home //
Now, as we hunker down in social distancing, it is important to recognize that the norms associated with both our workplace cultures and society at large are changing. NCWIT defines culture as a shared set of norms and values. Culture is, if nothing else, dynamic. Our experience of culture is a conversation between ourselves and the larger community we belong to. And, that conversation is rapidly evolving. If we are alert and mindful that “we” are experiencing this pandemic in many different and often hidden ways, this can be an opportunity for our cultural norms and values to respond for the better…towards creating more inclusive cultures, now and in the future.